; This is the ".ini" file for o2setup.exe ; Copyright (c) 1998 O2Micro Corp. ;NOTE: ALL PROFILE STRINGS MUST DIRECTLY FOLLOW THE '=' SIGN WITHOUT ANY ; SPACES OR WHITE SPACE. ; The search list names must be sequencial and consecutive. [o2setup] search1=6729 search2=673A search3=6832 search4=6836 search5=6872 ; Description strings must be 42 characters or less ; If no "Desc=" entered for a specific device than no setup required ; The last four digits of a header is read from the "Revision" register ; Headers with '.00??' are most specific, searched first ; Headers with '.00?x' are less specific, searched next ; Headers with '.xxxx' are least specific, searched last ; [Generic] inf95=win95\o2micro.inf inf98=win98\o2micro.inf Desc="O2Micro Generic Setup" [1217.6832.0034] inf95=win95\o2micro.inf inf98=win98\o2micro.inf Desc="O2Micro OZ6833B CardBus Controller" [1217.6836.0062] inf95=win95\o2micro.inf inf98=win98\o2micro.inf Desc="O2Micro/ROHM OZ6860C CardBus Controller" [1217.6729.xxxx] inf95=win95\o2micro.inf inf98=win98\o2micro.inf Desc="O2Micro OZ6729 PCI to PCMCIA Bridge" [1217.673A.xxxx] inf95=win95\o2micro.inf inf98=win98\o2micro.inf Desc="O2Micro OZ6730 PCI to PCMCIA Bridge" [1217.6832.xxxx] inf95=win95\o2micro.inf inf98=win98\o2micro.inf Desc="O2Micro OZ6832C CardBus Controller" [1217.6836.xxxx] inf95=win95\o2micro.inf inf98=win98\o2micro.inf Desc="O2Micro/ROHM OZ6836C CardBus Controller" [1217.6872.xxxx] inf95=win95\o2micro.inf inf98=win98\o2micro.inf Desc="O2Micro OZ6812 CardBus Controller" ; Registry Key Section ; The names must be del1, del2, etc. and be consecutive numbers. ; Devices are deleted from 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\PCI'. ; [o2deldev] del1=VEN_1217&DEV_6729 del2=VEN_1217&DEV_673A del3=VEN_1217&DEV_6832 del4=VEN_1217&DEV_6836 del5=VEN_1217&DEV_6872 [o2addkey] add1=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run val1a=O2MemChk=O2memchk.exe 00000000 [o2addkey95] add1=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce val1a=EnablePCMCIA=RUNDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL Main.cpl,@5 ; System Files Section ; The names must be copy1, copy2, del1, del2, etc. and be consecutive numbers. ; To rename the destination: copyX=dest.ext,source.ext (no space after ',') ; Files are always copied/deleted to/from the "WinSysdir" directory. ; ; "delsysfiles..." is processed first, then "copysysfiles..." is processed. ; "runsysfiles..." is processed last. ; [delsysfiles] del1=PCCARD.VXD del2=CSMAPPER.SYS del3=CARDDRV.EXE del4=SRAMMTD.VXD del5=FLS1MTD.VXD del6=FLS2MTD.VXD del7=O2MEMCHK.EXE [delsysfiles95] del1=PCI.VXD del2=CBSS.VXD [delsysfiles98] del1=CBSS.VXD [copysysfiles] copy1=O2MEMCHK.EXE [copysysfiles95] copy1=PCI.VXD,WIN95\PCI.VXD [runsysfiles] run1=O2MEMCHK.EXE