;For Naturalization (multiple language support) you have to perform ;two sets of translations ; 1. The section of strings for each language below (ChipsDSP.DAT) ; 2. The Help File using WORD for Windows and recompile it using the ; help compiler. (ChipsDSP.HLP). Since multiple help files exist, ; use different help file names for different languages. ;and if there are any new languages or files, ; 3. Modify the Chips95.INF file to install the additional files. ;and test the translations by ; 4. Changing the language in the Control Panel "Regional Settings" ; and restarting the Display Property Sheet. You don't have to ; restart Windows for the translations to take effect in the ; Chips TAB. Be sure to test the help too. ; ; ;Comments are preceded by a colon ";". Please do not translate the ;comments for the Naturalization purpose. ;Do not translate this section. It describes the current settings. [Current] Mode43=Mode43 Mode34=75 HZ Mode45=60 HZ Mode32=85 HZ Mode24=75 HZ Mode30=85 HZ Mode38=75 HZ ;**************************************************************************** ;UsingDefaultDltTemplate=1 means use the default template ;UsingDefaultDltTemplate=0 means use the sections below ;to display the control panel property sheet UsingDefaultDlgTemplate=0 ;Check button for Stretch screen is defaultly hide ;HideStretchScreen=0 ;Disable the display device or not [TV] EnableFiltering=1 HideTVMode=1 [Device] Disable=1 [Monitor] HideFreqency=0 HideDefault=0 [User] ;User section ;CRTDetect = 0 means DLL will not specifically determine if a CRT is ; connected. ; 0 is the default setting ;CRTDetect = 1 means that the DLL will specifically look for a connected ; CRT, and if not found then will disable the CRT checkbox ; preventing any further accidental usage of the checkbox. ;Portrait0 = 1/0 will enable/disable the 0 degree Orientation feature, ; 1 is the default setting and should almost never be changed to 0. ;Portrait90 = 1/0 will enable/disable the 90 degree Orientation feature ; 1 is the default setting ;Portrait0 = 1/0 will enable/disable the 180 degree Orientation feature ; 1 is the default setting ;Portrait0 = 1/0 will enable/disable the 270 degree Orientation feature ; 1 is the default setting ;**************************************************************************** CRTDetect=0 Portrait0=1 Portrait90=1 Portrait180=1 Portrait270=1 ;******************************************************* ;The following sections are for the Naturalization (multiple ;language) support. ;******************************************************* ;Each language has a section. ;The section name is derived from the WIN.INI file ;by reading the sCountry and sLanguage profile strings from ;[INTL] section, and forming the name ;[sCountry,sLanguage] ;to uniquely identify a language. ;These profiles are set by Windows when you change the "Regional Settings" ;in the Control Panel. ;For example, when we choose English(United States) ;we get ;sCountry=United States ;sLanguage=enu ;and the ChipsDSP reads the strings from the ;[United States,enu] ;section ; ;To add a new language, copy a language section ;below and translate the righthand side. Be sure to ;reference the correct *.HLP file and label each section ;with the correct international tag/section name. ;Remember to modify the Chips95.INF to install the new help too. ;******************************************************* ;******************************************************* ; English, United States ;******************************************************* ;[United States,enu] [enu] ;HelpFile used for specify the help file name ;to support the specific language. HelpFile=CHIPSDSP.HLP ;TabLabel is the caption on the control panel tab Tablabel=Chips Refresh_Rate=Refresh Rate: Windows_Default=&Windows Default Information=Information Display_Device=Display Device CRT=&CRT LCD=&LCD BOTH=&Both TV=&TV Chips_TV_Control=TV Control NTSC=&NTSC PAL=&PAL Current_Mode=Current Mode Monitor_Type=Monitor Type: ;In the Current mode text the only lauguage ;sensitive string is Colors: Colors=Colors ;For the file version DialogBox DlgTitle=Information File_Name=File Name File_Version=File Version Date=Date Time=Time Size_Bytes=Size(Bytes) OK=O&K Stretch_Screen=&Stretch Screen BeforeChangeMsg=The display setting of your computer will be changed. If it does not display properly with the new setting, press ESC to restore to your original setting. AfterChangeMsg=The display setting of your computer has been changed. TV_Attributes=TV_Attributes Scan_Mode=Scan Mode Interlaced=&Interlaced Non-interlace=&Non-interlaced Filtering=Filtering On=O&n Off=O&ff Panning_Mode=Panning Mode Panning=&Panning Non-Panning=Non-P&anning ;AttribDlg=TV Attributes ;******************************************************* ; French Section ;******************************************************* ;[France,fra] [fra] ;HelpFile used for specify the help file name ;to support the specific language. HelpFile=CHIPSFRA.HLP ;TabLabel is the caption on the control panel tab Tablabel=Chips Refresh_Rate=Frquence de rafrachissement: Windows_Default=Valeur par dfaut &Windows Information=Informations Display_Device=Unit d'affichage CRT=&CRT LCD=&LCD BOTH=LCD+CRT TV=&TV Chips_TV_Control=Contrle TV NTSC=&NTSC PAL=&PAL Current_Mode=Mode actif Monitor_Type=Type d'cran : ;In the Current mode text the only lauguage ;sensitive string is Colors: Colors=Couleurs ;For the file version DialogBox DlgTitle=Informations File_Name=Nom du fichier File_Version=Version du fichier Date=Date Time=Heure Size_Bytes=Taille (octets) OK=O&K Stretch_Screen=&Stretch Screen BeforeChangeMsg=La configuration de l'affichage va tre modifie. Si le rsultat obtenu n'est pas correct, appuyez sur Echap pour revenir la configuration initiale. AfterChangeMsg=La configuration de l'affichage a t modifie. TV_Attributes=TV France Scan_Mode=Scan Mode Interlaced=&Interlaced Non-interlace=&Non-interlaced Filtering=Filtering On=O&n Off=O&ff Panning_Mode=Panning Mode Panning=&Panning Non-Panning=Non-P&anning ;******************************************************* ; German Section ;******************************************************* ;[Germany,deu] [deu] ;HelpFile used for specify the help file name ;to support the specific language. HelpFile=CHIPSDEU.HLP ;TabLabel is the caption on the control panel tab Tablabel=Chips Refresh_Rate=Bildwiederholfrequenz: Windows_Default=&Windows-Standard Information=Information Display_Device=Anzeigeeinheit CRT=&CRT LCD=&LCD BOTH=&Beide TV=&TV Chips_TV_Control=TV-Steuerung NTSC=&NTSC PAL=&PAL Current_Mode=Aktueller Modus Monitor_Type=Bildschirmtyp: ;In the Current mode text the only lauguage ;sensitive string is Colors: Colors=Farben ;For the file version DialogBox DlgTitle=Information File_Name=Dateiname File_Version=Dateiversion Date=Datum Time=Uhrzeit Size_Bytes=Bytes OK=O&K Stretch_Screen=&Stretch Screen BeforeChangeMsg=Bildschirmeinst. d. Computers wird gendert. Falls mit neuer Einst. keine fehlerfreie Anzeige mgl. ist, ESC drcken, um ursprngl. Einst. wiederherzust. AfterChangeMsg=Bildschirmeinstellung des Computers wurde gendert. TV_Attributes=TV German Scan_Mode=Scan Mode Interlaced=&Interlaced Non-interlace=&Non-interlaced Filtering=Filtering On=O&n Off=O&ff Panning_Mode=Panning Mode Panning=&Panning Non-Panning=Non-P&anning ;******************************************************* ; Italian Section ;******************************************************* ;[Italy,ita] [ita] ;HelpFile used for specify the help file name ;to support the specific language. HelpFile=CHIPSITA.HLP ;TabLabel is the caption on the control panel tab Tablabel=Chips Refresh_Rate=Velocit di scansione: Windows_Default=&Valori predefiniti del Windows Information=Informazioni Display_Device=Unit video CRT=&CRT LCD=&LCD BOTH=&ENTRAMBI TV=&TV Chips_TV_Control=Controllo TV NTSC=&NTSC PAL=&PAL Current_Mode=Modo corrente Monitor_Type=Tipo video: ;In the Current mode text the only lauguage ;sensitive string is Colors: Colors=Colori ;For the file version DialogBox DlgTitle=Informazioni File_Name=Nome file File_Version=Versione file Date=Data Time=Ora Size_Bytes=Dimensione(Byte) OK=O&K Stretch_Screen=&Stretch Screen BeforeChangeMsg=L'impostazione del video dell'elaboratore verr modificata. Se il video non funziona correttamente con la nuova impostazione, premere ESC per ripristinare l'impostazione originaria. AfterChangeMsg=L'impostazione del video dell'elaboratore stata modificata. TV_Attributes=TV Italy Scan_Mode=Scan Mode Interlaced=&Interlaced Non-interlace=&Non-interlaced Filtering=Filtering On=O&n Off=O&ff Panning_Mode=Panning Mode Panning=&Panning Non-Panning=Non-P&anning ;******************************************************* ; Dutch Section ;******************************************************* ;[Netherlands,nld] [nld] HelpFile=CHIPSNLD.HLP Tablabel=Chips Refresh_Rate=Verversingsfrequentie: Windows_Default=&Windows Standaard Information=Informatie Display_Device=Beeldscherm CRT=&CRT LCD=&LCD BOTH=&Beide TV=&TV Chips_TV_Control=TV-besturing NTSC=&NTSC PAL=&PAL Current_Mode=Actieve werkstand Monitor_Type=Beeldschermtype: ;For the file version DialogBox DlgTitle=Informatie File_Name=Bestandsnaam File_Version=Versie Date=Datum Time=Tijd Size_Bytes=Grootte (kB) OK=O&K Stretch_Screen=&Stretch Screen BeforeChangeMsg=De instelling van het beeldscherm wordt gewijzigd. Als u niet tevreden bent over de nieuwe instelling, drukt u op ESC om de oude instelling te herstellen. AfterChangeMsg=De computerinstellingen zijn gewijzigd. TV_Attributes=TV Dutch Scan_Mode=Scan Mode Interlaced=&Interlaced Non-interlace=&Non-interlaced Filtering=Filtering On=O&n Off=O&ff Panning_Mode=Panning Mode Panning=&Panning Non-Panning=Non-P&anning ;******************************************************* ; Spanish Section Traditional Sort. ;******************************************************* ;[Spain,esp] [esp] ;HelpFile used for specify the help file name ;to support the specific language. HelpFile=CHIPSESP.HLP ;TabLabel is the caption on the control panel tab Tablabel=Chips Refresh_Rate=&Renovar: Windows_Default=&Windows Default Information=Informacin Display_Device=Pant&alla CRT=&CRT LCD=&LCD BOTH=AMBO&S TV=&TV Chips_TV_Control=TV Control NTSC=&NTSC PAL=&PAL Current_Mode=Modalidad actual Monitor_Type=Tipo de monitor: ;In the Current mode text the only lauguage ;sensitive string is Colors: Colors=Colores ;For the file version DialogBox DlgTitle=Informacin File_Name=Nombre File_Version=File Versin Date=Fecha Time=hora Size_Bytes=Tamao(Bytes) OK=&Bien Stretch_Screen=&Stretch Screen BeforeChangeMsg=Se cambiar el valor de pantalla del sistema. Si la visualizacin no es correcta con el nuevo valor, pulse la tecla ESC para restaurar el valor original. AfterChangeMsg=Ha cambiado el valor de pantalla del sistema. TV_Attributes=TV Spain Scan_Mode=Scan Mode Interlaced=&Interlaced Non-interlace=&Non-interlaced Filtering=Filtering On=O&n Off=O&ff Panning_Mode=Panning Mode Panning=&Panning Non-Panning=Non-P&anning ;******************************************************* ; International English ;******************************************************* ;[United Kingdom,eng] [eng] HelpFile=CHIPSDSP.HLP Tablabel=Chips Refresh_Rate=Refresh Rate: Windows_Default=&Windows Default Information=Information Display_Device=Display Device CRT=&CRT LCD=&LCD BOTH=&Both TV=&TV Chips_TV_Control=TV Control NTSC=&NTSC PAL=&PAL Current_Mode=Current Mode Monitor_Type=Monitor Type: Colors=Colors ;For the file version DialogBox DlgTitle=Information File_Name=File Name File_Version=File Version Date=Date Time=Time Size_Bytes=Size(Bytes) OK=O&K Stretch_Screen=&Stretch Screen BeforeChangeMsg=The display setting of your computer will be changed. If it does not display properly with the new setting, press ESC to restore to your original setting. AfterChangeMsg=The display setting of your computer has been changed. TV_Attributes=TV Attrib&utes Scan_Mode=Scan Mode Interlaced=&Interlaced Non-interlace=&Non-interlaced Filtering=Filtering On=O&n Off=O&ff Panning_Mode=Panning Mode Panning=&Panning Non-Panning=Non-P&anning ;********************************************* ; Japanese Section ;********************************************* ;[{,jpn] [jpn] ;HelpFile used for specify the help file name ;to support the specific language. HelpFile=CHIPSJPN.HLP ;For DBCS Languages ONLY. Not Needed for European ;Languages DBCS=1 ;TabLabel is the caption on the control panel tab Tablabel=Chips Refresh_Rate=گ(&R) Windows_Default=޳ ̫ Information=hCo Display_Device=ިڲ(&D) CRT=&CRT LCD=&LCD BOTH=(&B) TV=&TV Chips_TV_Control=Chips TV NTSC=&NTSC PAL=&PAL Current_Mode=݂̃[h Monitor_Type=I(&M) ;In the Current mode text the only lauguage ;sensitive string is Colors: Colors=װ(&O) ;For the file version DialogBox DlgTitle=o[W File_Name=̧ٖ: File_Version=ްޮ: Date=t Time= Size_Bytes=̧ : OK=O&K Stretch_Screen=/␳\ BeforeChangeMsg=fBXvCݒ肪ύX܂BVݒ肪\Ȃꍇ́AESCĂƂ̐ݒۊǂĂB AfterChangeMsg=fBXvCݒ肪ύX܂B AttribDlg=TVݒ TV_Attributes=TVݒ Scan_Mode=XL[h Interlaced=C^[X Non-interlaced=mC^[X Filtering=tB^O On=I Off=It Panning_Mode=zfBXvC[h Panning=I-zfBXvC Non-Panning=It-zfBXvC ;******************************************************* ; PORTUGUESE, BRAZIL ;******************************************************* Please notice Hotkeys make sure they are not duplicated ;Comments are preceded by a colon ";". Please do not translate the ;comments for the Localization purpose. ;[Brazil,ptb] [ptb] ;HelpFile used for specify the help file name ;to support the specific language. HelpFile=CHIPSPTB.HLP ;TabLabel is the caption on the control panel tab Tablabel=Chips Refresh_Rate=Taxa de Renovao: Windows_Default=Padro do &Windows Information=Informaes Display_Device=Dispositivo de Vdeo CRT=&CRT LCD=&LCD BOTH=&Ambos TV=&TV Chips_TV_Control=Controle de TV com Chips NTSC=&NTSC PAL=&PAL Current_Mode=Modo Atual Monitor_Type=Tipo de Monitor ;In the Current mode text the only lauguage ;sensitive string is Colors: Colors=Cores ;For the file version DialogBox DlgTitle=Informaes File_Name=Nome do Arquivo File_Version=Verso do Arquivo Date=Data Time=Hora Size_Bytes=Tamanho (Bytes) OK=O&K Stretch_Screen=&Stretch Screen BeforeChangeMsg=The display setting of your computer will be changed. If it does not display properly with the new setting, press ESC to restore to your original setting. AfterChangeMsg=The display setting of your computer has been changed. TV_Attributes=TV Brazil Scan_Mode=Scan Mode Interlaced=&Interlaced Non-interlace=&Non-interlaced Filtering=Filtering On=O&n Off=O&ff Panning_Mode=Panning Mode Panning=&Panning Non-Panning=Non-P&anning ;******************************************************* ; KOREAN Section ;******************************************************* ;Comments are preceded by a colon ";". Please do not translate the ;comments for the Localization purpose. ;[Korean,kor] [kor] ;HelpFile used for specify the help file name ;to support the specific language. HelpFile=CHIPSKOR.HLP ;TabLabel is the caption on the control panel tab Tablabel=Chips Refresh_Rate=: Windows_Default=Windows ⺻(&W) Information= Display_Device=÷ ġ CRT=CRT(&C) LCD=LCD(&L) BOTH=(&B) TV=TV(&T) Chips_TV_Control=TV Ĩ NTSC=NTSC(&N) PAL=PAL(&P) Current_Mode= Monitor_Type= : ;In the Current mode text the only lauguage ;sensitive string is Colors: Colors= ;For the file version DialogBox DlgTitle= File_Name=ϸ File_Version= Date=¥ Time=ð Size_Bytes=ũ(Bytes) OK=Ȯ(&K) Stretch_Screen=&Stretch Screen BeforeChangeMsg=The display setting of your computer will be changed. If it does not display properly with the new setting, press ESC to restore to your original setting. AfterChangeMsg=The display setting of your computer has been changed. TV_Attributes=TV Korea Scan_Mode=Scan Mode Interlaced=&Interlaced Non-interlace=&Non-interlaced Filtering=Filtering On=O&n Off=O&ff Panning_Mode=Panning Mode Panning=&Panning Non-Panning=Non-P&anning ;******************************************************* ; FINLAND, FINNISH ;******************************************************* ;Comments are preceded by a colon ";". Please do not translate the ;comments for the Localization purpose. ;[Finland,fin] [fin] ;HelpFile used for specify the help file name ;to support the specific language. HelpFile=CHIPSFIN.HLP ;TabLabel is the caption on the control panel tab Tablabel=Chips Refresh_Rate=Virkistystaajuus: Windows_Default=&Windowsin oletus Information=Tiedot Display_Device=Nytt CRT=&CRT LCD=&LCD BOTH=&Molemmat (Both) TV=&TV Chips_TV_Control=TV-muistipiirit NTSC=&NTSC PAL=&PAL Current_Mode=Nykyinen tila Monitor_Type=Nytn tyyppi: ;In the Current mode text the only lauguage ;sensitive string is Colors: Colors=Vrit ;For the file version DialogBox DlgTitle=Tiedot File_Name=Tiedostonimi File_Version=Tiedostoversio Date=Pivys Time=Aika Size_Bytes=Koko (tavua) OK=O&K Stretch_Screen=&Stretch Screen BeforeChangeMsg=The display setting of your computer will be changed. If it does not display properly with the new setting, press ESC to restore to your original setting. AfterChangeMsg=The display setting of your computer has been changed. TV_Attributes=TV Finland Scan_Mode=Scan Mode Interlaced=&Interlaced Non-interlace=&Non-interlaced Filtering=Filtering On=O&n Off=O&ff Panning_Mode=Panning Mode Panning=&Panning Non-Panning=Non-P&anning ;******************************************************* ; DANISH, DENMARK ;******************************************************* ;Comments are preceded by a colon ";". Please do not translate the ;comments for the Localization purpose. ;[Denmark,dan] [dan] ;HelpFile used for specify the help file name ;to support the specific language. HelpFile=CHIPSDAN.HLP ;TabLabel is the caption on the control panel tab Tablabel=Chips Refresh_Rate=Opfriskningshastighed: Windows_Default=&Windows-standard Information=Information Display_Device=Skrmenhed CRT=&CRT LCD=&LCD BOTH=&Begge TV=&Tv Chips_TV_Control=tv-kontrolenhed NTSC=&NTSC PAL=&PAL Current_Mode=Aktuel tilstand Monitor_Type=Monitortype: ;In the Current mode text the only lauguage ;sensitive string is Colors: Colors=Farver ;For the file version DialogBox DlgTitle=Information File_Name=Filnavn File_Version=Filversion Date=Dato Time=Klokkeslt Size_Bytes=Strrelse (byte) OK=O&K Stretch_Screen=&Stretch Screen BeforeChangeMsg=The display setting of your computer will be changed. If it does not display properly with the new setting, press ESC to restore to your original setting. AfterChangeMsg=The display setting of your computer has been changed. TV_Attributes=TV Denmark Scan_Mode=Scan Mode Interlaced=&Interlaced Non-interlace=&Non-interlaced Filtering=Filtering On=O&n Off=O&ff Panning_Mode=Panning Mode Panning=&Panning Non-Panning=Non-P&anning ;******************************************************* ; TAIWAN, Chinese ;******************************************************* ;Comments are preceded by a colon ";". Please do not translate the ;comments for the Localization purpose. ;[Taiwan,cht] [cht] ;HelpFile used for specify the help file name ;to support the specific language. HelpFile=CHIPSCHT.HLP ;TabLabel is the caption on the control panel tab Tablabel=Chips Refresh_Rate=svG Windows_Default= Windows w](&W) Information=T Display_Device=ܸ˸m CRT= CRT(&C) LCD= LCD(&L) BOTH=(&B) TV= TV(&T) Chips_TV_Control= TV NTSC= NTSC(&N) PAL= PAL(&P) Current_Mode=ثeҦ Monitor_Type=ܾG ;In the Current mode text the only lauguage ;sensitive string is Colors: Colors=m ;For the file version DialogBox DlgTitle=T File_Name=ɦW File_Version=ɮת Date= Time=ɶ Size_Bytes=jp(줸) OK=Tw(&K) Stretch_Screen=&Stretch Screen BeforeChangeMsg=The display setting of your computer will be changed. If it does not display properly with the new setting, press ESC to restore to your original setting. AfterChangeMsg=The display setting of your computer has been changed. TV_Attributes=TV Taiwan Scan_Mode=Scan Mode Interlaced=&Interlaced Non-interlace=&Non-interlaced Filtering=Filtering On=O&n Off=O&ff Panning_Mode=Panning Mode Panning=&Panning Non-Panning=Non-P&anning ;******************************************************* ; LANGUAGE, (CH2DSPCS) ;******************************************************* ;Comments are preceded by a colon ";". Please do not translate the ;comments for the Localization purpose. ;[PLACE COUNTRY HERE,XXX] [XXX] ;HelpFile used for specify the help file name ;to support the specific language. HelpFile=CHIPSXXX.HLP ;TabLabel is the caption on the control panel tab Tablabel=Chips Refresh_Rate=ˢʣ Windows_Default=Windows Ĭ(&W) Information=Ϣ Display_Device=ʾ豸 CRT=߹(&C) LCD=Һʾ(&L) BOTH=߼汸(&B) TV=(&T) Chips_TV_Control=оƬӿ NTSC=NTSC(&N) PAL=PAL(&P) Current_Mode=ǰģʽ Monitor_Type=ʾͣ ;In the Current mode text the only lauguage ;sensitive string is Colors: Colors=ɫ ;For the file version DialogBox DlgTitle=Ϣ File_Name=ļ File_Version=ļ汾 Date=Date Time=ʱ Size_Bytes=С(ֽ) OK=ȷ(&K) Stretch_Screen=&Stretch Screen BeforeChangeMsg=The display setting of your computer will be changed. If it does not display properly with the new setting, press ESC to restore to your original setting. AfterChangeMsg=The display setting of your computer has been changed. TV_Attributes=TV XXXXXX Scan_Mode=Scan Mode Interlaced=&Interlaced Non-interlace=&Non-interlaced Filtering=Filtering On=O&n Off=O&ff Panning_Mode=Panning Mode Panning=&Panning Non-Panning=Non-P&anning ;******************************************************* ; NORWAY, NYNORSK ;******************************************************* ;Comments are preceded by a colon ";". Please do not translate the ;comments for the Localization purpose. ;[Norway,non] [non] ;HelpFile used for specify the help file name ;to support the specific language. HelpFile=CHIPSNON.HLP ;TabLabel is the caption on the control panel tab Tablabel=Chips Refresh_Rate=Oppfriskningshastighet: Windows_Default=Standard i &Windows Information=Informasjon Display_Device=Vis enhet CRT=&CRT LCD=&LCD BOTH=&Begge TV=&TV Chips_TV_Control=TV-kontroll NTSC=&NTSC PAL=&PAL Current_Mode=Gjeldende modus Monitor_Type=Skjermtype: ;In the Current mode text the only lauguage ;sensitive string is Colors: Colors=Farger ;For the file version DialogBox DlgTitle=Informasjon File_Name=Filnavn File_Version=Filversjon Date=Dato Time=Klokkeslett Size_Bytes=Strrelse (byte) OK=O&K Stretch_Screen=&Stretch Screen BeforeChangeMsg=The display setting of your computer will be changed. If it does not display properly with the new setting, press ESC to restore to your original setting. AfterChangeMsg=The display setting of your computer has been changed. TV_Attributes=TV Norway Scan_Mode=Scan Mode Interlaced=&Interlaced Non-interlace=&Non-interlaced Filtering=Filtering On=O&n Off=O&ff Panning_Mode=Panning Mode Panning=&Panning Non-Panning=Non-P&anning ;******************************************************* ; SWEDISH Section ;******************************************************* ;[Swedish,sve] [sve] ;HelpFile used for specify the help file name ;to support the specific language. HelpFile=CHIPSSVE.HLP ;TabLabel is the caption on the control panel tab Tablabel=Chips Refresh_Rate=Uppdateringsfrekvens: Windows_Default=&Windows-standard Information=Information Display_Device=Bildskrm CRT=&CRT (extern bildskrm) LCD=&LCD (intern bildskrm) BOTH=&Bda TV=&TV Chips_TV_Control=///Kontroll fr TV-funktion NTSC=&NTSC PAL=&PAL Current_Mode=Aktuellt lge Monitor_Type=Bildskrmstyp: ;In the Current mode text the only lauguage ;sensitive string is Colors: Colors=Frger ;For the file version DialogBox DlgTitle=Information File_Name=Filnamn File_Version=Filversion Date=Datum Time=Tid Size_Bytes=Storlek (Byte) OK=O&K Stretch_Screen=&ndra bildstorlek. BeforeChangeMsg=Datorns bildskrmsinstllningar kommer att ndras. Om skrmbilden inte ser korrekt ut med de nya instllningarna kan du terstlla de ursprungliga skrminstllningarna genom att trycka p ESC. AfterChangeMsg=Bildskrmsinstllningarna har ndrats. TV_Attributes=TV Sweden Scan_Mode=Scan Mode Interlaced=&Interlaced Non-interlace=&Non-interlaced Filtering=Filtering On=O&n Off=O&ff Panning_Mode=Panning Mode Panning=&Panning Non-Panning=Non-P&anning